Our Products

Complex Fertilizers
Hermanus Trading and Logistics specialise in the formulation of a comprehensive range of complex fertilisers to ensure precise and custom plant nutrition which meets the individual needs of our clients.
We ensure that each particle contains the perfect balance of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Being the most essential plant nutrients, the early addition of these elements N, P and K is essential to ensure strong crops and maximum returns.

Nitrogen, when applied to agricultural and garden soil, supports and promotes rapid growth which is essential in the development of healthy foliage and fruit. The early addition of nitrogen-rich fertilisers encourages young plants and seedlings to grow abundantly and ensures that a healthy root system is established to secure optimum growth.
Our range of Nitrogen Products includes:
- Urea (Prilled and Granular)
- Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN)
- Ammonium Nitrate
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Ammonium Sulphate

Phosphorus is an essential element to enable plants to acquire, store and distribute energy throughout the plant. Phosphorus is also necessary for the development of healthy roots, growth, flowers and fruit.
Together with Nitrogen and Potassium, phosphorus is one of the three key nutritional elements to ensure strong and healthy crops.
Our range of Phosphate products includes:
- Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP)
- Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP)
- Rock Phosphate
- Super Single Phosphate (SSP)
- Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

Potassium (K) is the element responsible for the metabolic processes in plants. In combination with nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium provides support to retain water, maintain the internal cation-anion balance (the balance between positive and negative ions in the plant) and assists in the synthesis of protein to provide energy for healthy growth.
Our range of Potash products includes:
- Granular Muriate of Potash (GMOP)
- Standard Muriate of Potash (SMOP)
- Sulphate of Potash (SOP)

We also specialise in the production and distribution of water-soluble fertilisers that can be dissolved and applied directly to the plant through drip irrigation and foliar application. This method of fertilisation is more effective and increases the efficient application of and utilisation of nutrients.
In addition, foliar application (where fertilisers are directly applied to the leaves) ensures targeted application directly to plants, for nutrients to be available immediately and effectively during specific and critical growth.